I Can Only Imagine...

January 16, 2021

I can only imagine that most of us fall enchanted by the beauty of nature. Even though for some winter can be a big challenge, when you experience a snowfall of such grace like I experienced today,  how can we not be enthralled? 

My first start of the day was a walking (snowshoeing) meditation. Alone with Niko, breaking trail, the silence and the peace, oh my god, what beauty!  At the start I was questioning myself  wondering if I should or should not go out this early in the morning, or perhaps I should do my regular sadhana. Then it came to me that this moment of beauty will never be here again. I may experience others, but this one had its own existence and if I did not choose to go out then that would be a moment lost. I felt that I needed more than just seeing the snowfall, I wanted to be part of the snowfall. I wanted to BE with the moment. 

It’s funny how energy works. Even though the snow was heavy and slow I could still sense the effervescent energy in my body that needed to be content with. And on the other hand many times you could possibly experience such a moment as slowing down and doing nothing. By aligning with the surge of energy i had I was able to then settle into a more grounded and satiated awareness by paying attention to “ what is”.   In the present moment I was to tend to my body by giving it the necessary tools for a balanced experience, movement and deep breathing outside with nature.

Prana (energy) moves constantly within and around us.  It's how we adjust as we go along that we can find this sattvic gunas, balanced quality  of life . We meet the energy where it’s at.  If we feel agitated we need to engage in this energy perhaps by  movement, different breathing techniques, dancing. If on the other hand you feel sluggish you start by gentle stretches, slow movement and then move into more amplified movement to move this sluggish energy around. Either up or down by attending to it we come into balance.  The third part of the practice is to take the time to integrate, restore and feel this new feeling of being present in a balanced way. 

Imagine a snowglobe. The specs of snow laying flat on the bottom of the globe (tamasic energy) needs gentle movement to get going. If you over shake the globe it feels like a storm (rajasic) and so we need to gently slow down the shaking. By adding the shake or slowing it down it comes into a beautiful picture of a gentle snowfall with its luminous glitter. 

Take the time to see the magic in each moment. It’s a privilege to be part of this experience called life.