How Are You Doing? How Are You Really Doing?

August 12, 2020

How are you doing? How are you really doing?

Answering this question takes some thought and reflection. The truth is, the question isn’t just one question—it’s five as Meghan McDougall from Positive Psychology group states. A course on positive psychology for WholeBEing taught me a practice called SPIRE.

When you understand the five perspectives that create the whole of your well-being, you can see more clearly how you're doing—how you're really doing—in each aspect of life. These perspectives are your Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational, and Emotional (SPIRE) well-being. And the Shakti (life force energy) moves through all aspects of this thing called living.

In the yoga tradition the 5 koshas, the physical, the energetic, mind body, wisdom body and spiritual body, are the same aspects of the SPIRE. Either way you would like to look at it, it is to help us understand that we are so much more than this physical body and that a good healthy relationship with self emcompasse all of these elements. In the western practice of yoga we appropriate the practice with postures mostly. This is a great offense to all the hindus that practice the whole yoga practice. Something to reflect on, but for another time.

On this side of things, imagine your experience as a spiral and think of how to ground yourself in each aspect of your being , nourish it and experience the lift in your energy, mood and engagement in life. Rise to the occasion whatever the experience is at the moment.

When you understand the five perspectives that create the whole of your well-being, you can see more clearly how you're doing—how you're really doing—in each aspect of life. These perspectives are your Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational, and Emotional (SPIRE) well-being. And the Shakti (life force energy) moves us towards living joyfully and with ease.

We need to find our tools, energy boosters, and apply to each sections of this life experience. Relationships always require attention, understanding, listening, and compassion.

May you be well, may you be happy, may you feel safe!