WOW What Turbulent Times...

November 3, 2020

WOW, full moon, wind storm, snow, change to vata season, global uncertainties, sad, tired, fearful, confused... Why do it on your own?
When we feel overwhelmed we can become exhausted and confused and not quite sure in which direction to move towards. We are taught to be strong and handle on her own. We create shame around asking for support. Our minds are so distracted and we feel so wired that clarity is not that simple.
Even us holistic healers, therapists, teachers, mentors, we are also experiencing the turbulent times and at times can be even harder as we should know what and how to do what needs to be done. But tired minds take our vital energy down. The energy that helps us feel our solutions, that opens up our creative mind. That allows us to trust in the power of the spirit which is within us.

There are beautiful way to handle all this. The first step is to bring change to our mindset and open up to possibilities and feel free to reach out when needed. When we can see things with curiosity rather than fear it can be helpful to ride the wave. None of us are sure of what is coming, and what is past is past. We are alive in the moment, this breath, this moment and this feeling. Learning to be present and aware is the primary tool for wellbeing. Once we are aware, we then see our possibilities and discover our creativity. We want to act versus react. We don’t want to wait for the burnout, the depression, the self harm, the drinking, or anything that takes your power away.

It is not necessary to be strong all the time, but it’s helpful if you acknowledge that at a certain time you feel less strong. No hiding it. Satya - truthfulness and sincerity to yourself first.
Stop, rest, pray, meditate, ask for support, reach out, be heard.
I hear you. And I care.

Join me on Instagram and Share your most precious way for self-care and maybe your practice will support someone else.