Practical Guidance To A Fulfilling Life

September 2, 2020

What do I know about this? What I do know, is how the words of Yogiraj Achala resonate with me, “I excite myself with my incompetencies.”

To me, this gives me so much room to work with. Accepting that I am not competent in the mystery of life but so eager and curious to learn. This gives me permission to explore, fail, and try again by learning the lessons. Yoga provides these guidelines of practical guidance to help me skillfully navigate from moment to moment my choices in my daily life. We all want to live well and experience Right Living. Being human is complicated. Understanding clearly my values and living an authentic life requires me to be mindful of those choices. What drives us humans often is fear, attachments, aversions, confusing choices and contradictions. I navigate all that I am and need within those of my community. Within this confusion, layes below, deep in my gut, the Yamas and Niyamas, or ethical guidelines that supports me everyday in those choices.

This can be hard, only because my distracted mind tends to navigate away from what is really important to me and spirit in this body. How do I gain mastery over these multiple choices when my mind is disturbed, agitated. How do I find the way to stay aligned with what I really want out of life, happiness, joy, presence, and a fulfilling life.

Gaining the skills to choose our attitude, our way of thinking, how we speak, what we do can be our most enriching experience and feeling of safety, groundness, and trust in the whole process of this living adventure.

“The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life. ”

— Albert Einstein

Yamas are not limited by social class, place or circumstance. They are considered vows, commitment to self, and an universal code of ethic.

The Niyamas are for personal Self-Care. How can I take care of others if I don’t pay attention to self. Treating myself with compassion, care, love, and clearly observe myself and implement changes that will transform me and create the thriving fulfilling life that I know is there for me.

My experience working with my clients is how we are stuck in old belief systems, expectations and perceptions that we cannot easily bring change. With guidelines we can bring the change we seek. Right living for a fulfilling life!