
August 21, 2020

Last blog I asked you how you were doing? Really doing?

In these trying times it is difficult to even recognize how we are doing. It requires a very mindful attitude and presence not to let ourselves be taken by the waves of distress, sadness, anger and fear.

The thing is, we can navigate better when we understand our responsibilities in the whole process. Are we responsible for all that is out there? Yes we are. How is this that I am responsible for what is happening around me? And how do I live the experience? This was very difficult for me to comprehend but when I did it freed me from the fear and attachments that I was experiencing. Now, that is an ongoing practice from moment to moment, but I can really feel the difference in all my experiences as a living soul.

As taught by one of my teachers, Isha Sadhguru, yes we are responsible continuously because as human beings, to stay aligned with universe energy, it is our nature to respond to everything . We respond to the air that we breathe; we respond to the food that we eat; the thoughts that we have. If our bodies did not respond we would not survive. Our bodies continuously respond. The body and the mind tweak continuously to all presenting situations from moment-to-moment.

What is out there we don’t always want to experience, but do we not feel it? Do we not have different emotions and thoughts about it continuously? Does my digestion and breathing not alter? Is my sleep not affected? If we can allow ourselves and believe that we have responsibility towards our experience as a living spirit then we have all the options offered to us.

The human being Responds to every moment in our lives. The beauty is we have all the Abilities to adjust, and decide how we are going to respond to the moment. The moment is now, not a day pass or even a second pass. Not tomorrow or even later today. The moment is NOW.

Respond / Abilities

When in the NOW we are aware of our RESPONSE to situations and know that we have the ABILITIES to bring the change we need to live a more restful, peaceful, joyful life.

Take the time to breathe deeply and see how your nervous system responds. Be in the appreciation for this breath that can change your whole experience. Look, really look out at all the magnificence of how all is created and self-sufficient. Hear the sounds that can be soothing and comforting. And when you notice that you are responding in a way that is not what you are desiring then see within you what you can do to bring a change. 5% change will move you forward to your desired way. Also acknowledge that at times your ability is to confirm within you that you may not be able to do anything at the time, so your response is to let go of control and expectation. And when things are too confusing seek out the help you need to support you in finding your way to best respond to your experience.

May you experience joy and compassion, Namaste