New Ways That May Surprise You...

November 25, 2020

We always want to be paying attention to our immune system.

In general, it may be a difficult time for most of us, as the daylight time is shorter and many of us can be affected by SAD (seasonal affective disorder). The temperature tends to keep us inside more, our food is not from a local source and we have more imports that may have an effect on the quality of our food.

Even more, this year’s winter may be a greater challenge because of the current health situation and how it affects our social, physical, and emotional well-being.

But there are good practices that can help and one that may surprise you...

Let’s Start with Basics

In Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, the immune system is called Ojas, meaning life force. Winter is the perfect opportunity for self-care. When this life force is low and depleted it can affect and compromise our health but when it is balanced we are setting ourselves up for success and joy. Through nutrition, rest and increased metabolic activity we can build our Ojas. This week, let’s bring attention to our nutrition.

Adjusting our diet to seasonal routines and needs can prevent buildup of ama, or toxins, in the body. By refining our food choices and habits it can help us thrive this season.

  • Eat light warm food - Use as many variety of vegetables as possible to add the multiple choices of nutrients

  • Avoid any drinking or eating cold food as it will reduce the agni, the digestive fire

  • Avoid heavy fried or sugary foods. “This does not include a small portion of dark chocolate which is proven to boost serotonin to lift your mood” (my point of view haha! )

  • Adding warm spices such as cardamom, ginger, cumin, turmeric and cinnamon in your foods.

You may or may not know that your digestive system is primary in boosting our immune system. Our guts tell us quickly when things need to realign. We can feel bloated or feel burning in our belly, we can experience constipation or diarrhea, or even just feel the anxious belly. Pay attention to your digestion and every day elimination is a must. If things change be curious and adjust your nutrition. Drink plenty of warm water and even add lemon to your water to balance your PH to alkalinity. It makes a great tea, and by adding a little honey for sweetness it also can build your immune system. According to research, the phytonutrients in raw honey have antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to boost your immune system and fight sickness. For best results by local. Avoid store brands as it can easily be mixed with other fillers.

Next time around we will look at rest and sleep. Understanding the definition of a quality rest and also looking at our sleep quality and if you don’t have proper sleep how to find a new way to deal with it. 

For part two on this subject sign up to my newsletter and you will receive access to exclusive information, discounts, events and more!