What Is Your Body Telling You? 

December 3, 2020

Did you know that your body continuously sends messages between the brain and the nervous system and that each cell in your body has its own brain?

That’s a good thing! Why? That means that all systems are functioning and ensuring that the Whole works well.  Because sensations, symptoms and even pain can be an indicator of something not quite aligned and this can be a great opportunity for you to be curious and see what is needed.

Humans from this era have developed the need for control, fix, and avoid and this is just the  starting point. We have a negative attitude, imagine the worst, and think that we cannot stop for such menial things. Negativity is scientifically proven as a fear based emotion and that comes from the  lizard brain and the eat before being eaten primitive behavior of the past eras. We know better now, we just need to implement the new approach and ensure that  symptoms do not increase for more attention. So learning how to listen to the whispers puts  us one step ahead of distress.  

Here are some questions to consider: 

Do I feel exhaustion? 

When  I get up in the morning do I still feel Fatigue?

I am really hungry or perhaps I am really just thirsty? 

Do I experience physical pain, or emotional pain? 

Do I often experience confusion or lack of memory?

These are all possible indicators of you, the whole you, out of sync. These are only a few of the symptoms, but whatever you feel trust it to be real and find the message behind it.  

Here are three steps that will support this awareness and provide possible solution:

Stop, Listen, Adjust

This is not always easy to do but definitely a good start to living with less stress, physical and emotional pain. If you are not sure how to do that reach out and find out but start by making a choice for change and answers and guidance will come.