Oh That Sooo Needed Elusive Sleep...

July 2, 2020

For many years sleep was a real issue for me. I just could not find the rest I needed. I would either have a hard time falling asleep, wake up in the middle of the night, or just get up exhausted not feeling refreshed. I even went to the sleep clinic thinking something was wrong with me.

There are multiple reasons for disturbed sleep. You may have an overactive mind, or dealing with a lot on your plate. Maybe you have issues with hormones that disturbs your circadian or you experience a lot of physical and mental pain. Another important issue I have experienced myself ,or I have seen it with my clients , was our attitude towards the worry of not sleeping. I find that if I fear and create stories about not sleeping I will feel more frustrated, worried and exhausted. I have invited my clients to consider other scenarios, as exemple, if they woke up early to catch a plane going on vacation would they really feel frustrated and tired? or if they woke up early because they were excited about the new job they are starting, would they feel exhausted?

So to me it’s not why you wake up or cannot fall asleep but what can I do to help me find the quality of rest I need.

Relaxation is one of the key role in creating a good sleep. We have unfortunately moved away from quality relaxation. Watching TV is not a physiological and mindful relaxing activity. Over exercising, especially in the evening is not necessarily relaxing (taking to someone that does just about every sport activities and walks and runs etc). The routine offered below should help in supporting this quality of sleep and rest we need.

Whatever it is, yoga can be incredibly helpful in putting you to bed and getting a restful night’s sleep.

Let's move towards a quality and restful sleep...

Many of us experience disturbed sleep, either not falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night, especially when there is a lot of disturbance in our schedule and in the cosmic energy.

What has been most helpful for me and my clients has been practicing sleep hygiene adding gentle yoga sequence to get a more restful sleep. In addition when I wake up in the middle of the night I revisit my movement routine right in my bed.

Here are some important steps to follow

1- A sleep routine starts at least an hour before bed. Finding ways to gently prepare and unwind will provide you with the sleep you need

2- Decreasing screen time and finally turning off completely and not having any of the technology tools in your room is really an important step, energetically and mindfully.

3- You want to start dimming the lights gradually and have the room slowly get darker. This step really helps to relax and 'turn off' your brain to wind down, fall asleep more easily. Using a Sunrise Simulation and Sunset Fading Night Light (purchase online) can help with circadian (sleep/wake cycle regulation). Also important to keep same bed time and awake time patterns even on the weekend or your days off. (you can add 30 min. or so on occasion without too much disturbance).

4- Have a warm herbal tea or golden milk- here are a few choices

5- Take a warm bath with epsom salt or a facial mask. Self-nurturing time.

6-Write in your journal 5 things you are grateful for. It does not have to be big... example: I am grateful for the strawberry I had this morning; I am grateful for the bed I will be resting in.

7- Maybe you read a book or meditate

8- And yes... One of the most important practices of this routine is my yoga for sleep sequence. This routine really help with falling asleep. Should I wake up in the middle of the night I use my movement sequence to get back to sleep. At times I get out of bed to practice but often I will stay in bed and just do the movements to clear the rajasic (agitated) energy in my body. I usually just go right back to deep sleep. It’s worth the try!

To access the yoga sequence video please visit my Facebook page