MINDSET - What Is My Take On It.

June 8, 2020

Notice how the word MindSet sits. Notice the word “mind” which explains where our thoughts come from. Our thoughts can be perceptions that we have created from past experiences, stories, and different perspectives. Not necessarily correct perception. (sutra 1.7). There are such things as “mistaken perceptions” (sutra 1.8)

Also notice the word “set”. Notice how it may not have as much of the flexibility we need to bring the changes we are seeking. It holds some form of rigidity. To create a new lifestyle for ourselves we need to continuasly create change, and change can be uncomfortable if we are stuck in our “mindset”. Welcoming the potential for the flexibility of your mind will help with the changes.

On the other hand “MindSet” can help to understand attitudes and beliefs. Belief systems have created who we are and what we want. Are your beliefs and attitudes aligned with your values or were they implemented from past experiences, social, family, religion, peers and more.

What are you seeking? The correct mindset or the attitude towards change can support you in creating the life you want.

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