Corners Of Your Lips Up To Your Ears

March 6, 2022

Well… it’s pretty hard to smile lately. So much going on. It is difficult for me anyway. I get it. For me, I know that I have to consciously, with awareness, bring myself to the beautiful moments, continuously coming my way, to help me with my practice of smiling. For all of you, who are affected directly or indirectly, by anything or everything, I am sending you love.

My teacher used the phrase “lift the corners of your lips up to your ears”, and that is a phrase that I use regularly in my class. She also often used the visualization of “imagine a small secret, that only you can enjoy, and let your face express the joy”. And that makes us smile.

It can be difficult to hold this practice. And on the other hand not so. So quickly we feel the benefit of our mood shifting, and this brings us back to the moment of awareness in gratitude. Once you have experienced it, you will take it with you everywhere. Simple, whenever you are troubled by thoughts and worry…smile. I walk by a pane glass window and see my frown… I smile. When I see someone in front of me perhaps with a sullen look, it reminds me to smile. And the beautiful thing, I have noticed, is that it usually brings on a smile to the other person. Full circle.

Science shows that smiling connects directly with marmas at the base of the nose. Marmas are subtle, vital energy points where two or more types of tissues meet. Between the Marmas are subtle energy channels called Nadis. The energy channel stimulates the pituitary gland in addition to many other functions. The pituitary controls the function of most other endocrine glands and is therefore sometimes called the master gland. So lift your spirit, calm your nerves and open your mind… We need your smiles to help us move forward.

For you science buffs a little description of the physiological interaction

Oh, another fact. There was a study done where they injected botox in the lips of people to create this fake smile, and even with this artificial smile people's mood and depression showed signs of lifting. Here is another link for you.

Keep smiling!